02-11-18 Catholic Daily Mass Quotes

February 11, 2018
(6th Sunday Ordinary Time B, and Solemnity of Our Lady of Lourdes)
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.  Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.  When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”  [And] Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”  His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”  Jn_2:1-5

Best motherly advice ever given.  “Do whatever he tells you.”  You see, Mary didn’t ask Jesus to do anything.  She was just stating a fact, the wine had run out.  Yet, Jesus knew her concern.  And he also knew that this was not the type of need He came to fix.  It was not a miraculous healing.  It was not a compassionate feeding of multitudes.  And yet, there was also some remarkable symbolism available in the changing of water into wine.   It might be linked to Moses’ changing of the Nile into a river of  blood.  And in His own future, it might be linked to that piercing of Jesus on the cross resulting in the flow of water and blood from His side.  If nothing less, it might begin to get His disciples to understand just who their leader really was, the Son of God.

As we venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary and her own miracles of appearance in the modern world, we must always remember that holy advice of hers: “Do whatever He tells you!”  She will always point the way to our eternal salvation through Her Son, Jesus.

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About Joe Puglis

Hello and welcome to ColorMe4Life and Whispers to the Wind. My name is Joe Puglis and these websites encompass various aspects of my life. From the backgrounds of grocery store proprietor, to research chemist, to manager, carpet dyer and Catholic deacon you'll find a cornucopia of colors here, the Colors of Life. Most dear to my heart is my love of God, my awesome family, and you, beloved. Thank you for visiting. Please come back again. And feel free to visit the links in all pictures and hyper-linked words. These are always hand selected to go with the topic of discussion and kept as absolutely clean as possible. Also, I apologize for any links that have been removed by their owners. In time I try to replace them or update them. Hope you enjoy. May God bless YOU always, in Christ's love! Joe
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