08-21-17 Catholic Daily Mass Quotes

August 21, 2017
(St. Pius X, Pope)
Jesus answered the rich man, “If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.” . . .  The young man said to him, “All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?” Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me.”  Mt_19:16-22

Something is tugging at our heart strings, beloved.  And it prompts several questions.  The first is, “Is it worth it?  Is it permanently worth it?”  Or does it just give us temporary happiness.  A new car gets old.  A winning baseball team eventually loses.  Lots of money disappears.  Even family leaves the nest and may rarely come back to visit.

What’s tugging at our heart strings?  And when all of those tugs fall apart, what are we looking for next?  Will it just be another temporary fix?  Like a drug that has us addicted. Or will we be asking the Creator of Life, like the young wealthy man, “How do I get to heaven?”  “Where is the true Permanent fix?”

Jesus gives the man that Permanent fix.  Number one is to follow the basic commandments to love God and neighbor.  Then number two is to give your life over to God.  Let go of all of those other heart tugs.  And some of them are much harder to let go of than others.  For this young man it was his possessions.  Which in reality were not really his possessions, but they possessed him!

Sometimes, beloved, we may be cruising along in life, keeping the commandments, going to church, loving everyone and yet, something is still tugging on our hearts that we may not even realize.  And it’s keeping us from that true eternal relationship with God.

Search it out.  Dig as deep as you can and find it.  Then pray for the strength of the Holy Spirit to help you root it out.  And it doesn’t mean we have to sell our loved ones out to the poor.  We just make sure God is in His proper place first.  We follow Jesus and all the rest will be right where they are supposed to be!!


And a happy eclipse day tc all!

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About Joe Puglis

Hello and welcome to ColorMe4Life and Whispers to the Wind. My name is Joe Puglis and these websites encompass various aspects of my life. From the backgrounds of grocery store proprietor, to research chemist, to manager, carpet dyer and Catholic deacon you'll find a cornucopia of colors here, the Colors of Life. Most dear to my heart is my love of God, my awesome family, and you, beloved. Thank you for visiting. Please come back again. And feel free to visit the links in all pictures and hyper-linked words. These are always hand selected to go with the topic of discussion and kept as absolutely clean as possible. Also, I apologize for any links that have been removed by their owners. In time I try to replace them or update them. Hope you enjoy. May God bless YOU always, in Christ's love! Joe
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