01-16-19 Catholic Daily Mass Quotes

January 16, 2019
Of Jesus, the writer of Hebrews says, therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.  Heb_2:14-18

If you ever had that boss who never set a foot on the “floor” or in the “field,” you know what little help he would be when it came time for support – either in purchasing the necessities, procuring personnel for assistance or getting advice on difficult technical issues.  All he is good for is complaining, belittling and punishing you for things out of your own control.  It’s frustrating.

That was NOT our Lord.  Our Jesus knew that in order to support the needy, He had to become one of the needy Himself.  And in doing so, with all the power of God, Jesus was able to heal them.  He was able to raise us up.  And He was able to teach us how to survive this sin-filled world of temptation and downfall.  He WAS our Servant Leader and still IS!

And that was His model for us to follow as well.  We KNOW human weakness and suffering.  Now let’s use them to help heal others.  Jesus will be our rock of strength through it all!

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About Joe Puglis

Hello and welcome to ColorMe4Life and Whispers to the Wind. My name is Joe Puglis and these websites encompass various aspects of my life. From the backgrounds of grocery store proprietor, to research chemist, to manager, carpet dyer and Catholic deacon you'll find a cornucopia of colors here, the Colors of Life. Most dear to my heart is my love of God, my awesome family, and you, beloved. Thank you for visiting. Please come back again. And feel free to visit the links in all pictures and hyper-linked words. These are always hand selected to go with the topic of discussion and kept as absolutely clean as possible. Also, I apologize for any links that have been removed by their owners. In time I try to replace them or update them. Hope you enjoy. May God bless YOU always, in Christ's love! Joe
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