03-09-22 Catholic Daily Mass Quotes

March 9, 2022
(St. Frances of Rome, Religious)
Jesus said, “Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. At the judgment the queen of the south will rise with the men of this generation and she will condemn them, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and there is something greater than Solomon here.”  Lk_11:29-32

Following the holy orders of God, Jesus, like Jonah, came to a city, a world, filled with evil.  And both warned their people to repent of their sins and turn back to God.  And if that metanoia, that change, that turning back, did not occur, there would certainly be condemnation.

I truly believe, beloved, that nobody really wants condemnation.  But there are still many who just don’t believe.  Without taking away their freedom of choice, God gives us all the option – to listen and obey or not.  The consequence, the condemnation for not obeying is there for the believing or not.

And so, like Jonah, who WAS able to convince the Ninevites to convert, and thus, save them; and like Jesus who shared the message, gained a handful of ambassadors, and died for it; we too share God’s love and hope with our world, enduring a variety of responses.  But it takes belief.  We can’t force anyone.  But when they truly understand the consequences of evil, the pain of eternal damnation, the punishment, the eternal separation from God, I think most conscientious people will do exactly what Jesus wants, repentance, conversion, hope and love, and can be assured of their reward of eternal life with Him.

It’s just an offer that’s too good to refuse or ignore!

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About Joe Puglis

Hello and welcome to ColorMe4Life and Whispers to the Wind. My name is Joe Puglis and these websites encompass various aspects of my life. From the backgrounds of grocery store proprietor, to research chemist, to manager, carpet dyer and Catholic deacon you'll find a cornucopia of colors here, the Colors of Life. Most dear to my heart is my love of God, my awesome family, and you, beloved. Thank you for visiting. Please come back again. And feel free to visit the links in all pictures and hyper-linked words. These are always hand selected to go with the topic of discussion and kept as absolutely clean as possible. Also, I apologize for any links that have been removed by their owners. In time I try to replace them or update them. Hope you enjoy. May God bless YOU always, in Christ's love! Joe
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